

  鸟瞰图,摄影朱润资 Aerial view, photo by Zhu Runzi

  The Qujiang Museum of Fine Arts is located at the beginning section of Xians Datang Everbright City, south of the famed Giant Wild Goose Pagoda. The client asked for a new architectural icon at the East Entry of the museum. In response to the brief, NeriHus proposal takes the idea of a monolithic urban monument as the guiding concept to not only satisfy the museums newly expanded cultural and commercial functions, but to alsoserve as an anchor and a durable symbol of social history for the surrounding urban fabric. 建筑立面,摄影朱润资Exterior, photo by Zhu Runzi


  Since the vicinity of the site is occupied by existing galleries, the design intervention minimizes the impact of the new building through careful consideration for the architectural massing and detailing.

  扩建的建筑体量由四部分组成下沉基座Base雕塑步道Sculptural Walk观景台Platform和纪念建筑Monument。整个基座为现浇混凝土,从原广场的水面下沉而,延伸了公空间。

  The building is composed of four parts the partially sunken Base, the Sculptural Walk circulation enclosure, the elevated podium Platform, and lastly the Monument. The entire base is finished with castinplace concrete. Partially sunken from the level of the existing plaza, the base is conceived as a continuous ground for the public.

  一层入口处,摄影方方的田1F Entrance, photo by STUDIO FANG


  At the entry to the first floor, NeriHu has partially retained the original wide steps. The steps descend down to connect to a sunken piazza. The solid concrete base contains the former museum spaces and restaurant which have been retained, along with newly inserted functions such as retail spaces and public restrooms. These inserted functions complement the activities of the adjacent pedestrian street.


  From the ground level plaza, a series of escalators lead to the underground museum on the B2 level. The escalators are concealed within a sculptural form, featuring spaces of sectional play between compression and expansion, capped with a triplestory light well at the base of the sunken piazza, providing a sense of drama and intrigue.

  观景台和建筑顶部的圆形雕塑,摄影朱润资 The platform and the Monument, photo by Zhu Runzi


  Hovering just above the sunken base, is the Platform which is expressed as a post and lintel construction; a grid of stone columns and glass curtain walls supporting a floating roof house retail spaces. This retail level is intentionally expressed as a curtain wall to highlight the separation between the carved language of the base, and the circular sculpted massing of the civic potency above.

  立面采用了红洞石材料,摄影朱润资 Diamondshaped red travertine masonry units, photo by Zhu Runzi


  Capping the new building is the Monument, which housesa lounge on the second floor and an outdoor amphitheater above. The elevationis composed of diamondshaped red travertine masonry units arranged atintervals to accentuate the transmissivity of light.

  二层的休息厅,摄影朱润资 The lounge on the second floor, photo by Zhu Runzi


  户外圆形剧场,摄影朱润资 The outdoor amphitheatre, photo by Zhu Runzi

  On the northwest end of the existing museum building, a passage leads directly to the secondfloor outdoor terrace, conceived as a hollowedout bowl shaped amphitheater. The terrace acts as a grand extension to the dining and entertainment programs of the lounge. This space acts as a forum which is open to the public as a venue for various activities, while also serving as a platform for private performances and catwalks.

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